Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Great Gatsby Argument Essay free essay sample
Viren Kumar Mrs. Parato AP Language and Composition March 2, 2013 Society’s Shadow Goals, objectives, targets, and ambitions are incentives that drive one to emerge from their comfort zone. Each individual, rich or poor, isolated or active, normal or abnormal, has a way to communicate with others and act in society based on personality. Most people want to be accepted by others to fit into society and be normal. There is always one person who has a different perspective than everyone elses and is uniquely considered an outcast. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, author F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays Jay Gatsby as an isolationist that is compelled to play ambiguous roles in society to obtain the green light across the channel, which in effect causes Gatsby to be placed in a nerve-racking situation. Society is a big influence on Gatsby and his actions. He is first introduced by Miss Baker. â€Å"[Nick] decided to call to him. We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Gatsby Argument Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Miss Baker had mentioned him at dinner, and that would do for an introduction†(Fitzgerald 20). Nick Caraway is a parallel with society because he is influenced by the thoughts and ideas of others that structure society. Since Miss Baker mentions Gatsby over dinner, Gatsby is seen as an interesting topic that needs to be explored. Jay, being an isolationist that he is, tries to hide himself from society by displaying motions hinting to people like Nick: â€Å"But [Nick] didn’t call to him, for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone†(20). Gatsby makes a â€Å"sudden intimation†, and it seems that Gatsby knows there is someone watching him and observing his every action, and in attempts to isolate himself and avoid being â€Å"[called] out to†, he makes a subtle allusion to the fact he wants to be left to himself (20). Thus society forces Gatsby to make the movement he makes by gossip and communication. Society’s observations in this passage will show to define many of Gatsby’s actions as the novel progresses. People have secrets in their life that can determine who they truly are; Gatsby has his own that are the power that compels him to act the way he does. Gatsby is carefully observed, and as he involuntarily glanced seaward and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far way, that might have been the end of a dock(Fitzgerald 21). Gatsby stares at a distant green light, which implies a special connection between the two. Considering â€Å"he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way†and that Gatsby â€Å"was trembling†his secret relation with the green light must be special because one does not tremble for any reason (Fitzgerald 21). There is an emotional bonding that may date back a long time. His yearning for the lightâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ stretched out his arms†â€â€is foreshadowing for the rest of the story where he struggles to obtain this light (21). An obvious tension between the relationship of Gatsby and the mysterious light is visible from the â€Å"trembling†, and this tension creates the ambiguousness in Gatsby’s role in the novel (21). Fitzgerald uses figurative language to introduce the protagonist, which exemplifies Gatsby’s mysterious appearance to emphasize his perplexing personality. As Nick is outside his home after a night with the Buchanan’s, a strange yet familiar silhouette appears just on the other side of his yard, in his neighbor’s yard. â€Å"The silhouette of a moving cat wavered across the moonlight†(Fitzgerald 20). This cat, in turn, is actually Jay Gatsby. Although, the comparison that Fitzgerald makes with Gatsby and the cat does serve as a tool to analyze his characteristics. Felines tend to walk in a stealthy manner at night, and they are very cautious about being watched. The comparison indicates that Gatsby was trying to be wary of his surroundings. Gatsby may be the figure, but noticing that there is no adjective on the noun, â€Å"figure†, whereas throughout the rest of the passage there are many adjectives to describe his surroundings, this anomaly provides Gatsby as a figure the appearance of an inexplicable figure (20). With his â€Å"hands in his pockets†, this signifies a sign of secrecy to illustrate his complex personality (20). Gatsby may have wanted to protect some secrets about the green light. Gatsby’s method of an introduction is an explanation of the ambiguous role he is going to play and the uncomfortable nature of his future situation. The Great Gatsby is a novel that depicts the role of Gatsby as one of an isolationist that is forced into an ambiguous role in society. Through misinterpretations of his actions, he is thought to have a misleading identity. As society observes the fascinating movements of Gatsby in his yard, the motions that Gatsby performs communicate thoughts of isolation to society, but later on in the passage, motions such as the stretching out of the trembling arms, represent predictions of society pulling Gatsby into societal problems and issues.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Which Trials
Which Trials The Salem Witch trials which spanded from June to September in 1962 resulted in 19 people, men, women, and children being hung. It was all started by a group of girls and a fearful town. The '"afflicted" girls caused mass hysteria through out the town and soon the word "witchcraft" was being used frequentlyIt all started wuth a small group of girls and a slave. Abigal williams (Parris's Niece) and Betty (Parris's Duaghter) heard stories from tituba about her life, home in Barbados. She told the girls about spells and voodoo.(Hill, 219-224) After hearing this, they were fascinated with iut and practiced with it. Soon other girls joined them and tried love spells, Furture prediction and so on. Typical little girl things. After being caught dancing int he woods, they started having fits and uncontrolable acts.(Hill, 225-228) Once this had spread through town, everyone assumed it was due to witchcraft.Present-day archaeological site of the Salem Villa...Why the girls kept pretending no o ne knows but soon they were forced into naming other "witches". This is where it really got out of control.(Hill, 24-28)About 140 people were accused of being witches. 38 from the Salem Area. Including John Proctor, Giles and Martha Corey, George Jacobs, Sarah Osbourne, and a number of other people. Even though 19 people were hung, a number of others died in prison and Giles Corey was pressed to death.(Hill, 229) He refused to release information that would have innocent people put in jail. The worst part of it all was that the girls, young, immature, uneducated girls wielded the pwoer to end any persons life and they did so without caring.There were a number of reasons who the witchcraft hysteria flourished. In the old days, people strongly believed that the Devil was the cause for all evil. Disease,
Friday, November 22, 2019
Amazon Self-Publishing How to Publish on Amazon Step-by-Step
Amazon Self-Publishing How to Publish on Amazon Step-by-Step Amazon Self-Publishing: How to Publish on Amazon Step-by-Step Amazon self-publishing is on the rise. With it being the #1 retailer for books worldwide, that makes sense.But if you wind up making some errors in publishing on Amazonlets just say your results as an author will be less than satisfactory.After all, the self-publishing industry is pretty sensitive to those making mistakes.But Amazon self-publishing is the best option to self-publish and weve made it even easier for you with this guide for doing it with Kindle Direct Publishing.You no longer need to go through painstaking efforts to land a book deal which locks you into unrealistic deadlines and cuts you out of most of the earnings.You can now have complete control of your book and its revenues by Amazon self-publishing.But many writers get overwhelmed by the abundance of information about self-publishing. It can be intimidating for first-time publishers. We get it we were just like you!So to ease some anxiety and uncertainty, we created this step-by-step comprehensive self-publ ishing guide for you to follow in order to get your book published on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing Network.Here is your full guide for Amazon Self-Publishing:Creating a Kindle Direct Publishing AccountCrafting Your Book Title SubtitleWriting Your Book DescriptionChoosing the Right KeywordsSelecting the Right CategoriesUploading Your ManuscriptCreating a Book CoverPricing Your BookLet’s get started!NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process broken down with videos in our VIP Self-Publishing Program.If you are ready to publish your book NOW then make sure to check out our comprehensive, step-by-step guide to becoming a bestseller. Learn more about it hereAmazon Self-Publishing Why its the Best OptionTraditional publishing is on the way out. This has been the reality for some time now and for good reason.While traditional publishing had its time and was once theonly option for publishing a book, th e system in place right now is one made for the next Stephen Kings not for those who have value to share with the world.Why Amazon Self-Publishing is the Best OptionThough traditional publishing is still a viable option for some, Amazon self-publishing is the best option and heres why:Over 70% of books are sold on Amazon310 million book buyers through Amazon last yearThose buyers accounted for over $178billion in salesIts easier and faster with Amazon self-publishingThere are major differences between traditional vs self-publishing with the majority of authors opting to take their talents to Amazon instead of through one of the Big 5 publishing houses.And you should too. What is Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)?Throughout this guide, youll read the term Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP. It might sound self-explanatory but well cover some basics.This is an Amazon self-publishing platform that allows you to create and manage your Kindle eBook, paperback, and even audiobooks in a single place. It’s widely used to build books from the ground up.And fortunately, setting up your KDP account is easy, and should be the first step you complete.Your Guide for Amazon Self-PublishingSure, anyone can technically self-publish on Amazon, but that doesnt mean it will do well and actually sell. You have to know the specifics, from setting up your KDP account to the pricing of your book.If done correctly, you can expect a successful launch and a substantial amount of passive income. Here are our steps for Amazon self-publishing.#1 Create a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) AccountBefore you can start with Amazon publishing, you first have to have an account set up with them.Heres how to set up your Kindle Direct Publishing account:Go to and register with either your Amazon account or with your email address.Next, click â€Å"Update†in your account information and fill in your tax information. It’s important to note that you need to compl ete your tax information BEFORE you can publish your first book. So don’t skip this step!Once your tax information is complete, click â€Å"Finished†and return to the main page.Your profile is complete!With your KDP account setup, proceed to setting up the details of your book, as seen in the areas below.#2 Choose a Book Title and SubtitleIn your Kindle Direct Publishing profile, you need to fill in the title and subtitle of your book. While a subtitle is optional, having a good subtitle is something you should definitely consider to bring in more views and create stronger intrigue and help people find your book when searching.Here are a couple tips to crafting a great book title:Use a Book Hook: Your book hook should speak to the reader in a unique voice that grabs their attention and feeds into what they are looking for.List the Benefits: Your potential readers want to know what they will get from reading your book. One technique is to deliver the benefits in the s ubtitle, providing enough tantalizing information to further attract readers.Think about what you would be attracted to in a book title. Keep it simple, clear, and unique. Research the title you want to use and make sure it hasnt been scooped up by a high-performing book already.You dont want to make competition for yourself.#3 Write Your Book Description for AmazonYou need a powerful book description in order for potential buyers to read what its about. Even though the cover and subtitle should do a great job of this, we all want more information when it comes to putting money toward something.Here’s what people notice first when seeing a new book:TitleCoverBook DescriptionA book description is essentially a short written narrative that illustrates what your book is about. It should be written like a sales page to capture the interest of your reader.This is crucial because the description, in many cases, is the final factor that determines whether the reader will read your book or not. That, and great Amazon reviews.When done correctly, a well-written book description can practically sell a book on its own.Here are some strategies to help craft your perfect description:Make your first sentence as enticing as possibleWrite your description like a sales page or advertisement, not a dry summary of your bookHave the description feel personal and empatheticDetail the benefits your reader will gain by reading your bookHeres a great example of a full book description on Amazon:You can find more amazing description examples with these books:Champion Mindset: Tactics to Maximize Potential, Execute Effectively, Perform at Your Peak – Knockout Mediocrity!By Patrick KingNovice to Expert: 6 Steps to Learn Anything, Increase Your Knowledge, and Master New Skills by S.J. ScottSpend some time crafting your eye-catching book description. It will make your book stand out to your readers and motivate them to purchase your book.For the best results, we recommend using the Free Amazon Book Description generator at Choose Your Amazon KeywordsIf you want your book to show up in Amazon and Google search engines, you’ll need the right mix of keywords. Since Amazon allows only seven keywords per book, keyword selection requires strategy.But whatare keywords exactly?Keywords are specific words or phrases used to describe your book. If someone was looking for a book on your topic, they might type one of those keywords into Amazon or Google in order to find it.For example, if your book is about perseverance, you might find keywords like this useful:how to have perseverancewhat is perseveranceperseverance examplesperseveringpersevering when its hardThese are all phrases or words people looking to better themselves with perseverance would type into search engines in order to find what theyre looking for, like in the image below.You can research the right keyword phrases by using search tools such as:KDP Rocket: This is a gr eat tool for comparing Google search results to Amazon. It gives you a competitive score from 1-99, keyword results from both Google and Amazon, and how much money other books are making.KW Finder: This tool gives an analytical view of the keyword popularity using a competitive ranking. You can search for five keywords for free per day.Amazon’s Autofill Function: Take advantage of Amazon’s search box to find good keywords. Amazon’s suggestions are based on search history so you want to search for words that are high in demand with little competition.Make a list of possible keywords for your book, then leverage the tools above to test your keywords. Putting in the time to get keywords right will have your book rank higher and appear more frequently to readers.#5 Select Your Amazon CategoriesAmazon provides a collection of categories and subcategories to choose from. Like keyword selecting, your goal is to look for trending areas that don’t have tons of co mpetition.If you visit your book page, these categories will appear partway down the page, displaying the rank like in the image example below.These categories are what you will rank as a bestseller in, which is why you want to make sure you pick fitting categories that are specific, but also not super competitive. You want to stand out.You can also check the rankings of the top three books on the first page of each category.Amazon sales ranking measures how well a product is selling compared to its competitors. All books that are ranked 2,000 or less are considered to be highly purchased products in that particular category.Here are a few tips when publishing on Amazon in order to rank in more categories:Research your competitors keywordsChoose trending categories with lower competitionAcquire additional categories by contacting Amazon and asking for keyword placementUnless you have an established audience with significant downloads and reviews, try to aim for categories with books that rank between 10,000-30,000.Do you want to know how to rank for ten categories? Check out our blog post that detailshow to get approved for more categories on Amazon.#6 Upload Your Manuscript to AmazonTo upload your manuscript, it first must be saved in a supported kindle format.Heres how to upload your book to Amazon:In your Kindle Direct Publishing account, go to â€Å"Your Bookshelf†.Locate and click on â€Å"Kindle eBook Actions†next to the title of yourbook.Locate and click on Edit eBook Content†.Click on â€Å"Upload eBook manuscript†.Upload your manuscript file on your computer.Upload complete!Once Amazon finishes uploading your file, a confirmation message will be sent and you can preview the uploaded file to check for any errors.You can upload the manuscript as many times as you want and the new version will override the existing.It’s important to check how your book looks using the â€Å"Look Inside†feature once the book is live on Amazon. This feature is often the first thing your prospective readers will click on when checking out your book.If the formatting is off here, it can deter readers from picking up your book. Take this extra step to make sure your formatting looks good here too.#7 Create Your Book CoverWhen it comes to publishing a successful book on Amazon, having a perfect book cover design is one of the most important aspects to get right. Contrary to what we were told growing up, people do, in fact, judge a book by its cover. Its actually one of the biggest deterrents.Your cover is exactly how your book will be judged at first glance.So you must make sure that it is created professionally and that it will stand apart from the rest of the books in your genre or category.You can find cover creators on freelancing sites such as:99 DesignsHappy Self Publishing100 CoversPrices will depend on the level of service, but these sites will give you plenty of amazing graphic designers to choose fro m! It’s a great investment that will make your book stand out perfectly.If youre a Self-Publishing School student, we will actually provide a list of qualified, trusted book cover designers you can work with in order to get a worthy cover.Make sure to do your research regarding what type of book cover does best in your genre. Fantasy books, for example, will be a lot different than a memoir or even a historical fiction.#8 Price Your BookA question often asked is: â€Å"How much should I be pricing my book at after the initial launch is over?†This is up to the author, but generally, the best range to have your book priced is between $2.99 to $9.99.The royalty payments vary depending on the country, but you can learn more on KDP Select pricing page.One popular strategy for beginners is to price your book at $2.99 and gradually increase it by $1 per week. At some point, your sales will begin to dip. And while that’s normally a negative statistic, for this case, it confidently tells you the perfect price of your book that guarantees a profit.Here are the 4 main pricing strategies to consider in order to be competitive and sell books:Know the price of your competitors. Compare the list price of your book to the books around you and determine if you would be able to sell your book for a higher price.Know the size of your followers. Famous authors can charge a lot for their books because they have a big following. If you’re not in this category, your book should be priced lower to encourage new readers to buy your work.Determine price based on the size of your book. Size does matter when it comes to books. Don’t charge $20 for a 75-page book. Customers will immediately be turned off with the lack of content at that price point.Measure price based on reviews. Reviews carry a big weight on influence, and is social proof that your book has been read and well received. Therefore, a book with higher reviews (1000+ reviews) can be priced higher compared to a book with fewer reviews (30+ reviews).You can get legitimate and honest reviews from:Your personal launch teamAmazon’s top reviewersFans of your social media pagePersonal email listAdding a note to leave a review in your bookExperiment with these strategies to pinpoint the price for your book, it will drive long-term success.Your Next Steps for Amazon Self-PublishingIf you want to become a self-published author, you must be fluent with platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and more. For that reason, you must take actionnow because you can never have too much knowledge when it comes to self-publishing your book.#1 Utilize your FREE training!Thats right. We have some free training all ready to go for you. Chandler Bolt put together this video training guide that will help you learn what it takes to go from blank page to self-published author in as little as 90 days!
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why does bullying occur among prisoners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Why does bullying occur among prisoners - Essay Example Finally, the psychological forms of bullying comprise manipulating societal interrelations, extortion and scattering rumors (Blazer, 2005). The behaviors concerning bullying take place in every sphere of life such as in families, schools as well as in the workplaces. The effects of bullying behaviors might result in increased level of depression, fear, sadness and illness among others. In general, it can be stated that certain individuals generally perform bullying behaviors with the intention of exercising full control as well as domination particularly over the weaker individuals (Lines, 2007). Â The significant aspect of bullying amid the prisoners has undoubtedly become a significant concern and it is regarded as a behavior that generally takes place amid every sort of prisoners whether young, men, adult or women. Different sorts of bullying can impose significant impacts upon the attitudes as well as the behaviors of the prisoners to a greater extent. Moreover, the effects of bullying can severely affect the lives of the prisoners in terms of generating fear as well as tension, physical injuries, depression, and illness (Ireland, 2002). Â This paper intends to conduct a detailed literature review based analysis about the significant aspect of bullying that occurs among the prisoners in prisons. The structure of this paper will be designed by considering a descriptive as well as a critical evaluation along with a conclusion concerning the aforementioned subject matter. In this connection, the source materials that would be used for analyzing the aforesaid topic are renowned published journals and books along with pertinent online sources. Â According to Tahir and Konstantinos (2011), bullying is regarded to be a persistent problem wherein the incident rates are incessantly rising significantly in the developed as well as underdeveloped nations.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Airline Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Airline Competition - Essay Example search on for flights from Atlanta, Georgia to New York City showed a difference in prices of $3 between international carriers Delta Air Lines and American Airlines and $27 between American Airlines and United Airlines. (Priceline) However, Air Tran Airways which only makes flights within North, Central and South America was selling the same flight for $10 cheaper than Delta Air Lines, already the one with the lowest air fare among the three international airline companies. Strategy also means providing more benefits than the competitor. In the same example, Air Tran Airways had 3 morning flights, 3 afternoon flights and 2 evening flights to choose from. On the other hand, Delta Air Lines only had 2, 2 and 1, respectively, while United Airlines, which offered the most expensive price, only had 2, 1 and 1. Finally, strategy means mergers such as that between Delta Air Lines and Northwest Air Lines in 2008. (Mouawad) By combining their businesses, the public is given the opportunity to experience the services they like from the two airlines. Meanwhile, the new company receives the loyalty and business of two groups of consumers and possibly another group which sees the combination of two trusted names in the industry as resulting to a better flying
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Oruro Mask Dance Essay Example for Free
The Oruro Mask Dance Essay Culture is usually expressed through different mediums. Values, beliefs, and aspirations of a particular group of people are imbibed in culture. Thus, in order for these cultural traits to be represented in what social scientists call â€Å"the world of cultural relativism†, people express it through rituals, dances, and songs. Generally, these mediums are called â€Å"festivals. †Here in Bolivia, specifically, in Oruro, Santa Cruz, the Oruro Devil Dance is a famous festival. Eight days before the Ash Wednesday, people gather around the town’s plaza to perform a beautiful devil dance or diablada in Spanish (Hamre 1). The devil dance is a commemoration of our ancestors prior to the coming of the Spaniards; a sort of tribute to the dead. The escolas de samba chooses a new theme each year. These themes have one direction: they ought to relive the days of our ancestors. For one, our commemoration of the dead is a symbolic gesture of respect and magnanimity to the dead. Also, we recognize the efforts made by our ancestors in fighting foreigners. Their blood was spilled in the country in order to protect it from invaders. Thus, even with the prohibition of Spanish colonial officials from celebrating this dance, our forefathers danced it in the mountains, far from the contours of civilization. As one may note, diablada survived almost unchanged for many centuries. We, the Bolivians, are also proud of the colorful features of the mask dance. Hundreds of devils in monstrous costumes can be seen in the streets of the town. Some masks are heavy and to an American viewer â€Å"scary. †Other masks have bulging eyes and long hairs, just like the characteristics of the devil in Hollywood movies. I especially like devil masks wearing sparkling breastplates and golden spurs. Some masks are really light, connotative of the â€Å"spiritual origin†of devils. The devil dance is supplemented by a pacifying, rhythmic music from brass bands, pipers, and drummers. The colorful image of the festival as well as its solemn dedication to our ancestors makes it my favorite holiday here in Bolivia. Then the noise in the festival becomes loud and frenzied. Out of the devil dancers comes China Supay (Hamre 1). She is the devil’s wife who performs a seductive dance to attract the Archangel Michael. By the way, this dance was modified by the Spaniards to suit the predominant religion of Bolivia (Roman Catholicism). Then, members of workers’ unions carry small symbols of their union. This is done to show their support for the festival. Dancers in Inca costumes, with headdresses and symbols of the sun and moon on their chests, dance with the dancers dressed as black slaves. These slaves were imported to Bolivia by the Spaniards from West Africa to work in silver mines (operated by the colonial government). Then, family members appear. They are led by matriarchs dressed in yellow. The man of the household appears first (in red dress); then the daughters (in green dress). After which, the families go to the football stadium. Here the next celebrations take place. In the stadium, two plays are conducted (Hamre 1). The first play is about the conquest of Bolivia by the Spanish conquistadores. The second is about the victory of the Archangel Michael against the devil and the Seven Deadly Sins. Michael’s flaming sword is emphasized as the sword of light bound to defeat evil for all eternity. Then, the singing of the song of the Patron Saint of the Miners becomes the next event. They are also expressed in dance using a Quecha hymn. The purpose of the plays is very clear. The plays are a protest to the abuse of Spanish officials and clergy during colonial Bolivia. Although the festival is mixed with Christian tales and concepts, it still adheres to the pre-colonial ceremony of giving gratitude to the dead and the mother earth Pachamama (Hamre 1). The struggle of good and evil are emphasized and made clear through the actions of early Catholic priests pacifying an â€Å"already civilized†nation. Thus, it can be said that the mask festival, specifically the devil dance, is a characterization of our nation’s history. Such history is, of course, characterized by the struggle of good (justice) and evil (injustice by colonizers). The triumph of good signifies the break of our country from the bonds of colonialism, and its entrance to a new hope (the hope that the good will reign in the future). For days, the celebration of the carnival continues. The diablada dancers break into smaller group. Usually, huge bonfires are set to characterize the spiritual and physical unity of the country. Processions are then made and the church becomes a refuge for the homeless. Then, men from different families jointly consume large amounts of Bolivian beer and the very potent chicha (Hamre 1). Chicha is derived from fermented cereals and corn and liquefied in high temperature areas. Usually as the celebration ends, many people sleep in doorways. Others fall (because of drunkenness) sleep in the town’s plaza. The mask festival, most especially the devil dance, is my favorite festival among the festivals in both Bolivia and the United States. One reason is the character of the festival’s message. The redemption of humanity (a Christian concept) from evil is likened to the separation of Bolivia from Spanish rule. This festival presents the history of our country as it both experienced oppression and hope. My next reason has something to do with culture. Among all the festivals celebrated in our country, the mask dance is the most comprehensive; that is, it establishes the full personality of Bolivia. Note that in my description, the mask festival does not focus on one character of a Bolivian; rather it draws from past historical experiences to highlight the full character of a Bolivian. For example, Bolivians are known for being hospitable and diplomatic. This is shown in the mixed dance of the devil dancers with the Incas (a sign of friendship). This festival is really the life and character of my country, Bolivia. Works Cited Devil Dance. (2007). Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. 30 October 2007 from http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-77638/Native-American-arts (accessed). Hamre, Bonnie. (2007). Oruros Devil Dance is unforgettable. 30 October 2007 from http://gosouthamerica. about. com/cs/southamerica/a/Carnaval_3. htm (accessed). Oruro Carnival. (2007). New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs. 30 October 2007 from http://www. carnavalexhibit. org/bolivia. php (accessed).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay -- Essays Papers
HUCKLEBERRY FINN The novel that I have most enjoyed ever reading was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel about a young boy’s coming of age in Missouri during the middle 1800’s. The main character, Huckleberry Finn, spends a lot of time in the novel floating down the Mississippi River on a raft with a runaway slave named Jim. Before he does so, however, Huck spends some time in the town of St. Petersburg where a number of people attempt to influence him. Huckleberry Finn is considered an American character for many reasons. Throughout the novel Huckleberry shows stereotypical traits of what is expected, sometimes anyway, of the ideal American character. Even before the novel begins, Huckleberry Finn has led a life of absolute freedom. Americans are known throughout the world to have more freedom then anybody else. His drunken and often missing father has never paid much attention to him, his mother is dead and so, when the novel begins, he is not used to following any rules. Huck, a good old-fashioned American character is just like the stereotype of American characters, by not following the rules. In the beginning of the book Huck lives with the Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. Both women are old and are really incapable of raising a rebellious boy like Huckleberry Finn. They attempt to make Huckleberry into what they believe will be a better boy. Specifically, they attempt, as Hu...
Monday, November 11, 2019
My Life in Twenty Years Essay
Now I find myself wildly enthusiastic about everything I do and I have made great plans for the future. I have variously decided to become a pilot, a journalist, an officer, a teacher and a doctor. I wonder how many of my dreams will be realized. In twenty years, I shall be thirty six. At the age of thirty six. I would have chosen one occupation and stuck to it. At the moment, the prospect of a routine life terrifies me. but at thirty six, any other way of living would be difficult. In spite of all my protestations of remaining a bachelor. I have a feeling that I will be married and be having children by then. I would probably have not more than two or three children. I shall probably have a couple of girls and a boy. I really am not in a position to say anything definite about the kind of woman I am going to marry. Probably I shall be married to a very quiet but intelligent woman who is very practical, efficient. understanding and realistic in her attitudes. Perhaps I would have finally decided to become a teacher. If I would emulate my teachers I should be dedicated and efficient, preparing my lessons thoroughly and teaching effectively. I would be conscious of the teacher’s responsibility for the mental, physical and moral development of the taught. I would be the badminton master of the school. If I would be a successful teacher. I would eschew the idea of becoming a headmaster. I shall have some material comforts and live a happy life. I will probably have a house of my own. I wonder what kind of magnificent television sets we will have then. There will be a whole lot of channels to choose from. If the satellite system is perfected, we shall be able to view television programs from all over the world. I love music. I expect in twenty years, the degree of fidelity in electronic sound reproduction to be so high that I can actually listen to great, realistic concerts in my own room. At the rate we are miniaturizing electronic combinations. I expect my entire sound system to be the size of a match box. My telephone will have that gadget that will enable me to see the person I am talking to. I wonder if domestic lighting will be the same. I can safely predict that my kitchen will probably look like some high-class science laboratory. There will be numerous labor-saving devices that will ease our domestic burden. Video tape recorders and regular home movies might help us to while away our time. I wonder what my car will look like. The material comforts that I would enjoy will not make me lose my values. I will not be living in an artificial world of my own. My children would he my first responsibility and I would treasure the company of my friends and relatives.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Internet – Pros and Cons
In the age of the technological development nobody who moves with the times can imagine existing without the Internet. However, its popularity makes us bear in mind all its side effects. Many argue that the Internet is a treasury of information while the others find it as a source of misleading information and danger. So, is the Internet a force for good or a force for evil? Firstly, the Internet is an invaluable tool which helps students learn. Without any effort we can gain an access to the study aids.Furthermore, we can save time avoiding queues thanks to a large selection of online stores, which is particularly important for the disabled. Moreover, the Internet gives an opportunity to get in touch with new people from all over the world and keep in touch with the loved ones. However the Internet cannot be always shown in favourable light. First and foremost, the Internet is incredibly addictive – surfers are often not able to bear without checking their mail hundreds of ti mes per day.Moreover, unlimited possibilities of communication with surfers cause losing an active social life in the real world. Lastly, inappropriate information as even pornography await under-age users at every turn. To sum up, there are many advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Some people say the Internet has ruined our lives but in my opinion it transformed the world for the better. Although the Internet may be dangerous, it is a great invention and a window to the world.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Common Elements That Mess up Your Biochemistry Personal Statement Essay Example
Common Elements That Mess up Your Biochemistry Personal Statement Essay Example Common Elements That Mess up Your Biochemistry Personal Statement Paper Common Elements That Mess up Your Biochemistry Personal Statement Paper Biochemistry is a vast field that deals with the chemical processes that take place in a living organism, though it is not restricted to only living matter. Individuals who want to pursue biochemistry field are prepared to devote their life in studying different structures and functions of cellular components of living matters. To gain admission in a college in order to acquire advance degree in biochemistry one needs to deal with a college personal statement first. Writing a personal statement for biochemistry graduate course is although not a rocket science but still you need to be extra careful because even a single critical mistake can easily put your application at risk and jeopardize your chances of gaining admission in a prospective college. You need to make an effective outline and list down all the necessary elements carefully to make the statement impressive. It should also be noted that not every detail needs to be shared in the personal statement. Only those details should be discussed that can make the right impact. Following are some of the common elements that can mess up your biochemistry personal statement, rendering you from gaining acceptance in any prominent college. Failure to meet the personal statement requirements Different graduate schools provide different requirements along with the application. It is necessary to read those requirements carefully in order to put together a statement which meets the expectations of the board. A standard list of requirements include word limit, font styles and size, number of paragraphs in the statement, deadline of submission, some specific questions, etc. Though writing a compelling biochemistry statement will stimulate the interest of the board members but by complying with given requirements the chances of gaining the admission increase even more. Furthermore, by adhering to the given set of guidelines, you demonstrate the board that you are able to meet their requirements and willing to adhere to their instructions. Expressing negativity There are those individuals who have faced and overcome many sorts of grave ordeals in order to strive and be able to study more. If you are also among those people who have overcome great trials, make certain that you don’t express any kind of negativity in your statement but demonstrate a positive and solid attitude. Show your worth to the admission board and don’t ask for a pity. Be proud of yourself that you have triumph over all your problems and show that expression in your statement. Plagiarism Given that majority of individuals don’t know how personal statements, especially biochemistry statements, are written, many of them try to copy the content from sample statements and submit it to the admission department. It is true that sample statements can serve as a great help for writing attention grabbing personal statement. However, plagiarizing the content from the samples, hoping to gain the acceptance is one guaranteed way to mess up the chances of gaining the admission. Remember that you can mess up your personal statement by sticking with the given mistakes or you can increase your chances by avoiding those mistakes, the choice is yours.
Monday, November 4, 2019
British Airways Employment Relations Analysis Management Essay
British Airways Employment Relations Analysis Management Essay One of the largest industries in the global market is the airline industry. The airline industry is part of a business environment that constantly changes because of rapid technological development and the high competitiveness between the airline companies. Even though the influence of technology is more powerful than before it sometimes takes over the power of the workforce in companies, by changing the work structures and jobs descriptions, people will always be the principal factor in the development of companies because of the fact that without people, technological advantages would not be fully exploitable. That is why employment relations are so important for the company’s wealth and future development. Advantages of healthy employment relations are improvement in productivity, better company performance and also problems in workplaces are easier to be resolved. Additionally, extra resources and support are provided to management, employers and the unions on situations that occur within the workplace. One of the largest companies in the airline industry that comes to mind while discussing employment relations is British Airways. BA is one of the largest Airline companies in the world and the largest in the United Kingdom, flying to over 550 destinations worldwide. Since the founding of the company, the increasing levels of market share and company development have been common to the eyes of the owners and the CEO’s of the company over the years. BA employs approximately 40.000 people worldwide. Therefore good employment relations are essential if the company wants to avoid industrial action that will interrupt its operations. As we will see in the following chapters, BA has not only got problematic employment relations but the current situation of the company might be proved fatal to the company’s future. 2.0 EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS KEY FACTS It is not a simple procedure when trying to give a definition to what employment relations is. According to Ed Rose, employment relations is the†regulation of the employment relationship between employer and employee, both collectively and individually, and the determination of substantive and procedural issues at industrial, organisational and workplace levels.†(p.6 Ed Rose. 2001). According to Ed Rose and the definition above, we can see that employment relations is essential for companies in order to keep the relationship between the employer and the employee in harmony urging the workers to work on a top level, in order for the company to have a positive outcome and fulfil the goals set by the company. A balance between the needs of an employer and employee will conclude into a good relationship and in its turn maximize productivity, the workplace environment will be more pleasant, the opportunity for employees to develop their skills further will be increased as well as job satisfactions and they will gain more job security if the relationship is good as a r esult of voice initiatives. According to Salamon (2000), â€Å"a trade union is any organization, whose membership consists of employees, who seek to organize and represent their interests both in the workplace and society and, in particular, seeks to regulate the employment relationship through the direct process of collective bargaining with management†. It can be argued that the above definition describes with some accuracy what â€Å"Traditional British Industrial relations†is all about. In other words British Industrial relations have traditionally been constructed as revolving around the institutions (company and unions) and processes (collective bargaining).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
How to maxamize revenue at small business marina on a lake Research Paper
How to maxamize revenue at small business marina on a lake - Research Paper Example This is because well established large scale businesses enjoy economies of scale when they offer large scale products. Furthermore, well established business can afford to hire qualified workforce and provide employee training that result to efficiency of operations. Small lake marinas face stiff competitions for customers from the public operated marinas and big lake marinas. The big lake marinas and public run marinas have stable sources of finances to finance their activities. In addition, due to large scale of operation the rival marina owners are able to enjoy low cost recreational services hence enabling them to charge their clients competitive fees. Also, the public marinas and big lake marinas are able to provide better services to their clients due to their ability to hire qualified workers (Cooper, & Burke, 2011). There are other cheaper alternative recreational facilities that limit the performance of marinas; hence marina operators should utilize efficient technology to p rovide a wide range of recreation facilities and increase business profitability. The growth of small business revenue depends on the managers ability to use the finances appropriately throughout the financial year. Many businesses face characteristic fluctuations in the flow of finances since in some periods the income is lower than the cost with some seasons of huge sales hence greater incomes (Kariv, 2013). Therefore, since the fixed cost of running the business remains constant throughout the year, the business managers should be able to distribute their incomes throughout the financial year. However, small scale businesses are rarely able to distribute their finances throughout the year because of lack of financial reserves (Prosek, 2011). For this reason, small scale business relies heavily on borrowings from banks and other financial institutions that charge interest on the loans hence reducing the business
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