Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Is It Work Or A Calling Essay - 966 Words

Is It Work or A Calling: You Decide Catherine A DeLorco Ohio Christian University October 14, 2016 Is It Work or A Calling: You Decide Work is a necessary part of life. The income generated provides the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing. Work can be a vocation and vocation can be work depending upon a person’s view. Take for example the story of a Road Construction Flagger. His job was to turn the stop sign around to stop or allow vehicles to pass by on a one-way lane around road construction. A passenger commented to the flagger how he had the most boring job. â€Å"The flagger perked with enthusiasm and proudly exclaimed, without hesitation and apparently without irony, ‘I love this job! Love it. You know why? Because it matters. I keep people safe. I care about these guys behind me, and I keep them safe. I also keep you safe, and everyone else in all those cars behind you. I get to make a real, tangible difference every day. I’m grateful that I was led here.’† (Dik and Duffy, 2012) I am reminded of Paul’s words, â€Å"And what ever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.† (Colossians 3:17, NIV) Others, who have felt called, have found themselvesShow MoreRelatedThe Call, Os Guinness1490 Words   |  6 PagesGuinness presents the biblical definition of calling for the Christian. Guinness brings clarity to what true Biblical calling is, and how it should affect our lives. Guinness presents the skewed modern conception of calling, that is not at all biblical, and shatters its ideas. Throughout â€Å"The Call†, Guinness explains how calling should transform our lives, and influence everything that we do. Guinness explains that there are two different types of calling that work together; primary and secondary. FirstRead MoreThe Call, Os Guinness1497 Words   |  6 PagesGuinness presents the biblical definition of calling for the Christian. 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