Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Answer all the question below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Answer all the inquiry beneath - Essay Example The company’s the executives utilized buyers’ segment information including whether they were English or Spanish Speakers, and which stores they purchased from. This information was drawn from retail locations including US Wal-Mart, Target, Toys â€Å"R†Us and Kmart. This information was examined by the organization and used to conjecture the interest for the toys. Jump imparted its choice to build creation of toys to Capable Toys inside weeks; in the long stretch of August. This was after the expectations were checked by the company’s the executives to be trustable. At the point when the interest for LittleTouch developed, Capable Toys needed to build it profitability to meet the rising need. In any case, there was no quick method of expanding the company’s creation. Skilled Toys Ltd of Zhongshan, China needed to hustle and make a decent attempt to get additional hand crafted gadgets, plastic forms and infant slobber verification paper. There was additionally need to enlist more specialists. Moreover the organization expected to make more creation devices. The creation issue was unraveled by requesting the creation of two additional arrangements of creation instruments which at long last helped support creation. The apparatuses were better structured †they were made with the end goal that they could deliver one of a kind toys while decreasing their bomb rates from 5% to 0.3%. Fit Toy Company had issues getting a provider for delicate touch film however then they had the option to get different providers. The organization additionally required an extraordinary material that was droolâ€resistant and ink permeable called Tyvek. The best way to get this material was by getting it provided by outsider, not straightforwardly from the producer, DuPont Co. Jump moved toward a U.S. organization that could get this material straightforwardly from DuPont Co and gave it the printing contract also. This move anyway added 50 to 60 pennies for each book underway expenses. Jump Company settled on a choice to utilize air transportation and quick pontoons to move its items from Hong Kong to Los Angeles to react to the lack experienced. Utilizing
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Walt Disney World and Its Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Walt Disney World and Its Organizations - Essay Example Since its arrangement, the organization has created numerous films that have topped the US just as UK outlines (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). The paper incorporates the company’s crucial vision alongside the company’s various auxiliaries. Strategic Vision of The Walt Disney Company The Walt Disney Company is an America based worldwide organization. Initially, the crucial The Walt Disney Company was to ‘nurture the minds of youngsters around the globe just as to observe American values’ (Reocities, ‘The Walt Disney Company-a Case Study’). The strategic states the company’s activities. The greater part of the company’s activities are kids arranged. As it has been expressed in their strategic, kids are the principle focal point of the hierarchical tasks and even the different auxiliary exercises sorted out by the organization are diversion just as kids situated (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). Notwithstanding, the crucial the organization has changed expressing to be â€Å"one of the world’s driving makers and suppliers of diversion and data. Utilizing our arrangement of brands to separate our substance, administrations and shopper items, we try to build up the most imaginative, inventive and gainful amusement encounters and related items in the world†(Duran and Et. Al., â€Å"The Walt Disney†).... The Walt Disney Studios The Walt Disney Studios can be considered as the establishment of Disney. This incredible organization began its excursion from this achievement. The Walt Disney Studios is eminent for its ‘animated includes and live movement pictures’ (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). The characters it made incorporate Mickey Mouse and companions, which are the movement legends. The organization is viewed as the world’s absolute first full length activity maker with its made character Mickey Mouse and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). Circulation of films is finished by The Walt Disney Studios under its associated association, Walt Disney Pictures. Walt Disney Pictures incorporates its other associated organizations, for example, DisneyToon Studios, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. The organization had gaine d the organization, Pixar, in May of the year 2006. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International is another fragment of the organization which works in universal appropriation of the movies. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment is the section of the organization which bargains in circulation of the films of Disney just as different motion pictures through the methods for rental and sells by home amusement markets, for example, DVDs (The Walt Disney Company, ‘Company Overview’). The nearness of The Walt Disney Company additionally can be set apart in the theaters. The organization claims Disney Theatrical Productions House which is likewise viewed as among the main makers of the well known Broadway musicals. This additionally comprises of
Friday, July 31, 2020
New Student Photo Series 2011 #26 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
New Student Photo Series 2011 â€" #26 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog We are close to winding down the incoming student photos series. Thank you to all of those that have helped to add life to the blog over the summer! Christian Loubeau MIA-Economic and Political Development. The first photo was taken in the White Desert in Egypt during the summer of 2010. I was in the desert for an overnight camping trip and we were checking out white rock formations that resembled people and animals. My friend took this photo of me at dusk next to a formation known as Chicken Mountain. This photo was taken in Caracas, Venezuela when I lived there in the fall of 2007. President Chavez spoke at this rally a few hours after the photo was taken. At the time President Chavez was rallying his supporters to back a referendum that would, among many items, abolish presidential term limits. I like the dignified look of hope on the womans face while the man stands tall contemplating what lies ahead. There were several points of contention regarding the referendum and I think the overcast skies speak to the stormy path that lies ahead. Although the referendum was at one point expected to pass rather easily, it was defeated about a month after this picture was taken. This photo was taken on the Great Wall of China during the summer of 2010. My friend and I squeezed this quick trip in on our last night in Beijing. I didnt have much time to visit the wall as I had to catch a flight later that night yet we managed to find a moment to clown around. This part of the wall was on a steep incline so I was able to lean forward without any support. Hello, my name is Marisol Alarcón, an incoming MDP. Im from Ecuador/Chile and had the great opportunity to work in slums from different countries in Latin America. Apart from the overwhelming poverty, I have also seen beautiful, contrasting sights and met amazing and strong people. These pictures are just a glimpse of what I have seen these past years. Family Canaan: This family represents the many families living in Canaan, the camp city 5 miles up north from Port-au-Prince. Their smiles and bright eyes were always surprising. 13 de Julio: This boy lives in the slum 13 de Julio, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is playing naturally surrounded by trash and houses made with waste materials. The dirt on his skin is his regular condition, not the result of one day on the play ground like it would be for most of us. This place is only minutes away from downtown Buenos Aires, one of the largest metropolitan cities in the region. Favela Padroiera: This girl is washing the dishes after our lunch together. She lives in the Slum Padroeira, on the outside of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The photo shows the incredible overcrowding of the favelas and the hard living conditions the families must face.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Implications of Newtons Laws of Motion - 519 Words
Following the ideas of the Italian astronomer Galileo, a man by the name of Isaac Newton, had provided three basic laws of motion precisely in 1687. Moreover, the three defined laws concern over the behavior of moving objects. These physical laws laid the foundation for classical mechanics, and helped explain the nature of matter and space. In addition, the description of the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it, and its motion in response to forces, are what these laws describe. In addition, all three laws describe how common objects move under the influence of forces. In conclusion, Newton’s laws of motion show how objects behave when they are moving, standing still, and when forces act upon them. First off, Newton’s first law demonstrates ideas of force and motion. Known as the law of inertia, this law states that an object will remain at rest or move at uniform motion unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced force. Additionally, an object will maintain constant velocity if there is no net force resulting from unbalanced forces acting on an object. In addition, the object is at rest if the velocity is at zero, but if there is an additional external force applied, the velocity will change due to the force. Moreover, this law predicts the action of moving and stationary objects. For example, pulling a tablecloth out from under the dishes on a table without anything falling, demonstrates inertia because the dishes on the table will want toShow MoreRelatedNewton s Laws Of Motion1561 Words  | 7 PagesNewton’s Laws of motion has influenced the safety aspects on cars in a revolutionary way and has very much acted as a backbone of its development over the past century. Since, the invention of the first functioning car in 1885 by Karl Benz, the conception of a car has been completely transformed, from its design and engines to its safety features, everything has been entirely transmuted. 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The debates on the nature of space and motion were pioneeringRead MoreThe Spread Of Empiricism By Isaac Newton1067 Words  | 5 PagesSpread of Empiricism Isaac Newton’s astounding achievements in the field of science contributed to the birth of empiricism. This was the belief that knowledge acquired through sense experience is the only true meaningful knowledge. This idea began in Britain and spread all the way to Scotland and even Ireland. Philosophers such as David Hume developed radical ideas supporting these beliefs. Descartes theory regarding clockwork universe inspired others to further investigate the countless mysteriesRead MoreThe Theory Of Runaway Ramps On A Declining Road Surface1977 Words  | 8 Pagesenhance the safety for passengers in the rare situation a brake failure occurs; this can be associated to the investigation into braking distance in relation to the coefficient of friction. Physics particularly focuses on a subject otherwise known as motion; this has many practical applications in modern society. One of which is in relation to vehicles and the elements of physics that reason the stopping distance of the vehicle. Theories have been devised in order to develop an understanding as to howRead MorePhysics Journals1967 Words  | 8 Pagesresearch to explore other scientific discoveries made by Galileo. Provide one example. Galileo discovered the concept of inertia. He proposed that objects in motion did not come to a stop because of a non-existent force, but because of a force between a surface and an object. This concept would later help further develop Newton’s Laws of Motion. 4. 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Based on accepted and assumed axioms, the idea of the vacuum was dismissed because it stood as a contradiction to scientific paradigms of the time. C) Newton’s force of gravitation carries an implication that something could exist in a vacuum, regardless of whether it is matter or a force. In addition, this idea contradicts the Greek’s belief that vacuums are featureless as well as the requirement of matter in all areas of natureRead MoreTeachers Must do Detective Work to Select Texts668 Words  | 3 Pagesevaluated and awarded? Which authors must be replaced in order to update the canon to better reflect changing pedagogical needs? This conversation is one of necessity for educators at every level, and is becoming of increasing importance as the implications of the pedagogical canon are weighed against the evolving nature of authorship and audience in increasingly diverse classrooms. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Media And Its Effects On Teen And Young Undeveloped...
The advertising business views teenagers in society as a viable market section, due to their immature understanding of the media and its dazzling impact on teen and young undeveloped brains. The media is progressively specializing in children and adolescents to captivate with advertisements. according to market research corporations, teenagers are vital to marketers because they can pay a considerable open income, spend family cash easily, and they are easily able to influence their families to spend on massive and little household purchases that are appealing to them. furthermore, children are also a viable market because they ll easily influence, lifestyle, and overall trends; and supply a view of society and how it s currently and†¦show more content†¦This essay will discuss the mental and physical impact of advertisements on teens viewing tv, the individual impact and also the group impact in addition the physical and self-esteem impacts. A Recent study by (Pediatrics, 2011) states that â€Å"Children and adolescents watch 400 00 advertisements a year on TV alone.†this is happening despite the fact that there s a law that limits advertising on children’s programming to ten.5 minutes per hour on weekends and twelve minutes per hour on weekdays. However, a lot of children’s viewing happens during prime time, which features nearly sixteen minutes per hour of advertising. The mental impacts of these advertisements on tv on teens are usually split into an individual level and a group level (Friedkin, 1998). The mental impact effects on the individual level are the influence primarily practiced on parents and teenagers communication and influence amongst each other regarding merchandise or services. However, the mental effects on the group level are perception, attitude and actual behavior of the viewer (Moschis Mitchell, 1986). Although in a home it s commonly the parents that are responsible about the cash, advertisements are usually aimed toward teenagers. Advertisers believe, if the advertising of a product is successful the chance of the parents purchasing it in order to please their kids is higher, and a few children can ask their parents to purchase the product. â€Å"Television advertising viewing
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Chaim Potok Research Paper Free Essays
The Story of Chaim Potok There have been many innovational authors throughout all of history, from R. L Stein, to Shakespeare, to Roald Dahl to J. K. We will write a custom essay sample on Chaim Potok Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rowling. They all have different stories that have seriously impacted the literature world in unique ways. An essential author to add to that list is Chaim Potok, who not only was an outstanding author, but was also a very inspirational religious icon for many Jewish people in the world. Potok was born in New York City in 1929. He was raised in the Hasidic faith of Judaism. He grew up in a household where a high class of edicate and manners were enforced (Newsmakers. Detroit: Gale, 2003). Due to his way of life he later on developed tight grasp of art. His parents highly disapproved of this and did not want him to â€Å"waste his time†with this. In the Jewish household painting is seen as the least acknowledged and ambitious hobby. Potok attended Yeshiva University, and became a rabbi after graduating. He began rabbinical studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. He soon received his master’s degree in Hebrew literature. In 1954 he served as a chaplain for the United States army while posted in South Korea. Later on throughout his life he began a teaching post at the University of Judaism. As years of study flew by this motivated Jew, he managed to earn a doctorate in philosophy in the University of Pennsylvania. The next Two Years flew right by, leading to the event of him writing his very first novel, The Chosen One, which was the very first novel ever to have a Hasidic Jewish setting (Contemporary Authors Online). This was a serious impact and appraisal of the Judaism Religion. This life unique novel was on the New York’s best sellers list for approximately 6 months. Potok elaborated expanded his new style of writing-by-writing more books on the daily life of Jews and child’s stories. Potok had a unique style of writing followed by a look of religious influence as well. He usually conveyed the theme of Judaism/Hasidic through his precise use of characterization and dialogue. The majority of his beautiful creations were about how everyone should have some sort of faith in their lives and how religion has a huge impact on modern day life. Potok wrote about Jewish culture was viewed directly from the shoes of a very own Jew. He frequently focused on the issues and controversies in the Jewish Culture. Most of his life and works of literature were dedicated to his very own religion and faith, which was portrayed through his own writing. Potok received multiple awards for his unique book (St. James Guide to Young Adult Writers). The Chosen One was on the New York Time’s bestseller’s category for about 6 months, that is some very outstanding time to be a bestseller especially since Judaism is one of the least popular religions in the U. S. As the years passed his literature career slowly declined in success and popularity due to critics claiming his unique style of writing wasn’t that professional, very mediocre, and not nearly as polished as his original creations. He was criticized according to that manner the following, â€Å"In The Beginning,†â€Å"The Book of Lights,†and â€Å"DaVita’s Harp†(St. James Guide to Young Adult Writers). â€Å"He wrote in a straightforward pose that some critics found unpolished and other likened to that of Hemingway. †said the New York Time’s Fox. On the other hand, many other critics loved and admired Potok’s love for his religion, the need to express his feeling about Jewish beliefs from a first person perspective, and the fearlessness in his writing tone. â€Å"Although his writing angered and scandalized some Jews, others applauded it his belief in the Jewish faith†Said critics from the Los Angeles Times. Chaim Potok died on July 23, 2002 due to the spread and intensity of brain cancer he had been diagnosed with. He died at the age of 73 years old. He was a motivating, inspirational, and phenomenal author that will never be forgotten throughout the Jewish culture. His name will be remembered as one of the most inspirational writers of all time, as well as a huge religious icon. Although critics often downsized him, he will always be known as being one of the greatest American Jewish writers of the 20th century. â€Å"Chaim Potok. † Newsmakers. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 1 May 2012. â€Å"Chaim Potok. † St. James Guide to Young Adult Writers. Gale, 1999. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 1 May 2012. â€Å"Chaim Potok. † Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 1 May 2012. How to cite Chaim Potok Research Paper, Essays
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Understanding Globalization
Globalization can be defined as a means of advancing reliance by forming associations or integration within the people, companies, states or zones. These associations have impacted economic growth through progressiveexchange of commodities, services, skills, innovation, investments and populations (Beerkens, 2006).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Globalization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Minimum barriers to trade and investment, reduced transport expenses and reduced costs of information technology are key elements that have contributed to an increase in globalization (Doole and Lowe, 2008). In order to experience economic growth firms should apply external business venturing strategies, develop their communication systems and improve organizational capacity. On the other hand organizations that are yet to adopt these strategies have not experienced as much financial gains (Levitt, 1983). Econo mic trends within international market contribute towards development and formation of alliances and partnerships amongst companies. Such alliances require detailed agreement between partners and also provision of quality products and services capable of meeting competitive standards within target markets (Levitt, 1983). Such trends drives company’s towards restructuring their strategies such as supply concepts and practices capable of addressing complex market demands. This makes integration across supply chains one of the main challenges facing general operations of companies within target markets. However, common customer needs across markets creates some level of uncertainty to firms since it decreases sales potential of a company’s product or services within such markets (Doole and Lowe, 2008). The case study discusses ‘Indesit Company’ which is a home appliances based venture started in 1975 after firms such as Electrolux, Bosch-Siemens and Whirlpool had already established their market in such similar trade. However the company did a remarkable job to catch up with its competitors. The firm was able to enter the market successfully and expand throughout Western Europe. Products and services should be dispatched to various market segments based on consumer needs. Success of any business venture within global market environment is determined by the level of satisfaction consumers are able to obtain from products supplied. Other ways of maximizing company’s customer base involves formation of partnerships and alliances which enables organizations to concentrate on their businesses as well as exploring new business avenues. This company was formed at a time when it was manufacturing a range of domestic appliances and owned oversees locations in Western European Markets. However, Vittorio soon acknowledged that the business locality disfavored his idea of innovative managerial practices and adoption of technology. He had to rely on external concepts to grow his business. He had received advanced skills in work ethics from his father and also acquired the latest means of production from his suppliers and consultants.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The firm developed progressively while facing the challenges of internationalization. Surprisingly they even survived the prevailing strong competition within the industry and still achieved growth that earned them their current position in the market. However, the company would later be challenged to either progress its mission to be Europe’s largest home appliances firm or to join in the global trade. They were also faced with the issue of analyzing the dilemma surrounding implementation of appropriate global business strategies, considering that some of their direct competitors already had a major global presence. The market risks within the global domain as described in this context could be posed by factors such as fluctuations in currency and political instability within some regions such as Middle East. After various acquisitions, Indesit had established its presence in most of Europe with an exception of Germany and Turkey. There was also poor performance in the Scandinavian zone. Even while trying to consider the option of going Global and that of maintaining their European Base, management through leadership of Milani could not ignore the absence of Indesit from Germany. The fact that there was no presence of Indesit in Germany was an advantage to its biggest competitor that enjoyed uninterrupted business in its domestic market. Whereas the biggest consumer of domestic appliances is United Kingdom, Germany had the largest population in Western Europe. The major challenge of Germany was that it was a super aggressive market that had the presence of well-established companies like Carrefour that catered for client s with a desire for German quality products. The market situation in Germany was defined as â€Å"a black hole†by the strategy director of Indesit Company, Giuseppi Salvucci. This was because of the impenetrable state of the market for foreign firms. He also included the Scandinavian and Turkish market in this category as it had little or no presence of Indesit. The best remedy for the German challenge would be to purchase a highly rated German brand. This is clearly evident from the market penetration strategy adopted by its competitor like Whirlpool. According to Beamish and Lupton (2009), companies stand a good chance of exploring other sales avenues, gaining expertise, acquiring new abilities and assets by practicing joint ventures. However it may prove difficult to administer the joint ventures owing to the ownership structure that may involve more than one institution. This could be used as a scope for Indesit expansion in Germany and a probable solution for the Scandi navian market as well.In the case of Turkey, initially the market growth played to the advantage of Indesit’s rapid progression, however, the growth and market presence of the local leading brand Arcelik was of no match to fast moving Indesit, since Arcelik was domestic market leader in home appliances products within Turkish market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Globalization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In order to gain competitive strength in Turkey, Indesit would need tomake crucial marketing investments and probably the purchase of a domestic competitor with a reputable brand in order to connect with the local people (Doole and Lowe, 2008). There was a strong need to indulge in some kind of cooperation. It was still the opinion of Indesit’s director that the transformations being experienced in the market called for adaptation of a global business consideration. The company would then start an examination of the Chinese and Indian market to diversify their consumer base and increase global presence. Indesit acquired a dishwasher plant in China that earned them first-hand information about the Chinese market (Doole and Lowe, 2008). Diagnosing Industry Globalization Potential It is important for companies to organize their market channels and structures based on principles of globalization for success to be realized. In such a case it is necessary for companies to consider consumer needs both in local and international markets and utilize appropriate and effective channels capable of satisfying such needs. Several paradigms influences operations of channel structures some of which include; system flow paradigm, views on product categorization, relationship paradigm and use of power (Rosenbloom and Larsen, 2008). System flow paradigm represents processes and activities taking place within organizations in global markets. Such organizations and institutio ns operate under wholesalers, sales agents and retailers and form the necessary link channel between producers and consumers which is an important aspect within global marketing. The success of marketing strategies such as brand positioning depends on level of coordination and management of available channels of distribution. However, introduction of new technologies such as internet have improved levels of operations making it possible for consumers to transact business direct with producers without involving any intermediaries. Divergent view on product categories is also another factor which incorporates different perceptions accorded to particular goods by manufacturers and consumers. In this case, producers focus on efficiencies involved during production processes while consumers focus on the benefits that can be derived from using same products.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Relationship Paradigm refers to associations existing amongst those involved in global business transactions. In such partnerships there are various effects such as conflict of goals, objectives and opinions amongst the suppliers, retailers and consumers. Such conflicts create some difficulties in the normal operations within distribution channels (Rosenbloom, 2007). In the year 2007, Western Europe markets were experiencing plenty of growth and there was also an increase in the number of bulk traders, which refers to companies dealing with manufacture and distribution of products in large quantities. As a matter of fact some of the small franchises were transforming themselves in order to achieve an international status. Firms like Wal-Mart and Carrefour had a presence in the United States, Europe respectively and also in Asia and all traded in appliances. The approach of the appliance franchises had an authoritative effect on the market and changed market trends. Clients encounter ed comparable packages that had relatively similar items or functions. Sales persons were depended upon to guide the clients to the available goods that would deliver beneficial transaction to both the vendor and sales person. While this remained to be the case, there appeared to be a shift in the European market in 2007. The demolition of the Berlin wall which was a considerate economic barrier between the West and East Germany extended the German market scope from Lisbon to Moscow. Having been the initial occupant of the said markets, Indesit had a first mover advantage thereby benefitting from its outstanding market stake. As a result of these expansions the management considered to effectively restructure its business practices to enable different roles by different groups or divisions. One group was focused on the struggle between established contenders in Western Europe and the other was to advance aggressively to encounter the potentials of Russian and former Soviet Union Mar kets. The approach was later to tailor by Marco Milani to offer discrete services. This divisional approach helped them effectively focus on the competitive challenges of each region of operation and expansion. Moreover, various strategies such as market research are implemented in the process of diagnosing industry globalization potential. The company modified its strategies for the purposes of providing separate organizations for Italy and United Kingdom. There is significant difference between mature and emerging markets depending on relative strength of various distribution channels such as wholesalers and retailers (Levitt, 1983). However, developing markets presents opportunities for development of strong brands based on the nature of product and the distribution channels used. For instance, Europe presents one of the largest markets for industrial goods hence accounted for over thirty percent of total global market share. The second largest market for industrial goods was Asi a also with market share of over 30%, followed with United States at approximately 22% and other markets of the world in combination providing up-to over 13%. However, market for home appliances as produced by Indesit was identified to be highly competitive in China despite the market being dominated by domestic brands. Building Global Market Participation There is necessity for companies to build their global marketing participation through integration of supply chain processes and creation of workable marketing strategies within each specified market environments. Such strategies require effective means through which costs of operations are reduced while improving customer service levels. Indesit Company faced problems in increasing scale and internalization due to its expansive operations within highly volatile global business environment. However, application of standardized technology within dynamic supply chain planning processes could assist in building quality supply chain o perations and ensuring efficiency across entire supply chain (Lovins et al., 1999). At the same time implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning systems, movement of information across organizations and the overall implication of standardization of business processes determine the extent to which Indesit could engage in supply chain integration. This is enabled through incorporation of automation and streamlining of various planning, scheduling and execution processes at wholesale and retailing levels within supply chain. At the same time the industrial marketplace is reformed through intensive inter-firm communications across regions, this is made possible through Integrated Marketing Communication Mix (IMC). These assisted in creation of efficient international markets through trade links. Moreover, incorporation of enterprise information infrastructure and intensive use of social media led to application of variety of supply chain optimization technologies. IMC comprises of bu siness processes capable of providing companies with necessary assistance in the process of building and reinforcing their relationships through communication. Efficient communication between companies, customers and stakeholders involves various aspects extending beyond application of traditional marketing communication tools such as use of word of mouth. This is the reason as to why multinational firms prefer the use of IMC within their business and marketing operations which enables them to reach targeted international market segments effectively within shortest time possible. IMC ensures that consumers receive up-dated and adequate information concerning company’s products and services within the market (Lindgreen and Finn, 2005). Designing Global Products and Services Indesit Company started with designing Europe’s home appliances and at the same time focused in building modern, progressive enterprise through massive investment in modern technology. The company sa w the need to tackle issues with products and services within Germany which included quality of products, improvement in sourcing and design efficiencies, re-balancing manufacturing locations and at the same time upgrading the company’s brand image. Indesit Company identified home appliance industry as one of the key turning points within the second industrial revolution. These included manufacturing of products such as refrigerators, electric and gas stoves, washing machines which marked significant point in the economic development of the company. Success of designed products and services within the market is fully dependent on process of naming and branding. Indesit Company made the process part of its regular activities done by marketing department within regions of operation. The naming of their products, services is aligned towards fulfilling some level of uniqueness including the market position of products. Branding a Company using globally recognized name makes it ea sier for consumers to identify with the specific category of their products and services (Doole and Lowe, 2008). The company has also considered presenting products in a language that can easily identify with global market environment. Indesit utilized the art of brand positioning for the purposes of solving marketing problems within Germany. This was done through acquisition of well-regarded German brand. Every region demanded unique product characteristics and delivery processes. However, Indesit brand became the core brand of the company and operated alongside four other brands such as Hotpoint, Scholtes, Stinol and Cannon. Since the knowledge about the brand plays an important role, major marketing investments were required to increase brand awareness. Also acquisition of locally based strong brand could be utilized in order to penetrate emerging markets with such new products and services. Home appliances required meaningful names structured from incorporation of such elements as color, symbol, and logotype (Larson and Lush, 1992). The success of Indesit’s brand can be attributed to the nature of brand language which comprises various communication elements. The strategy used by the company in branding their products and services within various European and Scandinavia regions involves verbal and visual components. The company’s nature on brand evolution aims at being attractive to various consumer categories as well as multiple cultures. This ultimately represents the best means of breaking existing communication barriers within market environment (Larson and Lush, 1992). Locating Global Activities The company kept on pushing forward and moving into other nations within former USSR. Most likely, its competitive advantage resulted into more profitable activities. According to Hopwood, Mellor and O’Brien (2005), the structure of industry associated with Indesit Company contributes towards the provision of innovative opportunities. Due to favorable structural attributes within the global market where Indesit operates, the firm has the capability of capturing significant market share. Structural attributes of the company within market includes factors such as, ease of entry to the market and the level of bargaining power (Hopwood et al., 2005). Resource-based view of the company considers the presence of many firms within the industry and therefore prefers dealing with diversified products having direct effect on the varying performance of the company. Therefore, firms that are operating based on high standards of marketing strategies benefits from such competitive advantages (Sharma and Vredenbrug, 1998). Market segmentation presents companies with the opportunity of satisfying specific consumer needs and desires. Some organizations implement successful marketing strategies which enables them take advantage of globalization hence gaining competitive advantage. Such strategies should encompass appropriate allocatio n of company’s resources enabling profit maximization within international market. However, nature of entry into emerging markets applied by multinationals determines to a large extent its impact on consumers and level of market penetration. Some markets are better penetrated through formation of joint ventures and alliances with domestic organizations. The situation could clearly be identified within Brazilian market where Electrolux and Bosch enjoyed larger percentage of the market. Such situations vary amongst countries. For instance, market for home appliances seems intensely concentrated within Latin America region, despite contributing significant amount of return on capital compared to other regions within global market. Creating Global Marketing One of the most important aspects in global marketing is the development of global brands having same characteristics in all markets. Nature of global branding plays an important role in advancing company products since it con tributes towards creation of company’s economies of scale and at the same time gives the company competitive global image. Large economies of scale at times prove profitable in the process of ascertaining and reducing operational costs within the marketplace (Alden et al, 1999). Application of unique global brand assists in development of company’s image hence making it easier use of specific advertising strategy acceptable internationally. Such procedures enables the company to reduce overall operational costs. At the same time, global brands are known of their ability to deliver quality products hence are considered trustworthy. However, before a brand attracts consumers within the global market there should be strong local support from domestic market based on quality delivery. However, research done on global advertisement revealed that success of an advertising campaign within domestic market may sometimes not necessarily deliver the same results within internatio nal market segments. Such results calls for extensive research on the level of effectiveness such advertising methods can deliver in some regions before company’s product and services are dispatched to such markets such differences are based on culture and beliefs. The company requires intensive advertising and promotion of its brand known as â€Å"Indesit†. Other brands included are; Hotpoint, Scholtes, Stinol and Cannon. However, the company at some point decided to drop all other brands and focused in marketing them under a single brand i.e. Indesit. Such oorganizations as Indesit use different promotional techniques to move their products and services into the market for the purposes of gaining stability within the market. The aim is to stimulate demand for a product and increase the sales volumes within the market (Magretta, 2002). Towards understanding the role promotions play in placing and positioning products in the market, Indesit Company attempts to analyse the impact of other companies on their product promotion techniques and the influence on market position of such products in the global market. Such marketing research is influenced by the knowledge that companies ideally use competitive promotional techniques for the purposes of gaining competitive advantage in the global market (Doole and Lowe, 2008). A typical example is where Indesit Company attempted to create awareness of its large pool of products through sponsorship activities and also partnering with companies that are already established within domestic target markets. Other strategy used involved investing a large portion of its profits in the past by sponsoring various activities. Making Global Competitive Moves Indesit Company faced some radical changes in order to conform to the nature of competition within global market. Major causes of such competition included application of modern technology and tension within global markets. Such occurrences have made the company to adjust and modify various aspects within its mode of operations for the purposes of satisfying consumer demand. Indesit adjusted its operational costs in order to cater for final pricing of its commodities within the market. Various market segments have different expectations some of which include; quality, affordable prices of commodities, nature of delivery, desire for customized services as well as flexibility amongst other factors (Rosenbloom and Larsen, 2008). Such considerations have ensured adequate changes within business strategies for the company. Indesit Company has undergone tremendous changes aimed at strengthening its presence within the global market such as strengthening its brand image through use of one umbrella brand name. Some of the changes aimed at increasing its competitive moves which included initiating and implementing appropriate communication mix and business models within various emerging markets. Such model incorporates different reporting structures enabling substituent companies and regions to communicate efficiently with company headquarters. Application of such business strategy enables the company to specialize in supplying various forms of home appliances and at the same time making use of decentralization of their activities (Doole and Lowe, 2008). This has well been utilized through formation of alliances and Joint Ventures with other companies (Beamish and Lupton, 2009). Moreover, the marketing strategies applied by the company have ensured efficient delivery of products to consumers. Conclusion Various challenges within the market made Indesit Company to significantly consider prices of products and services. This is since related products from other competitors were on the rise. This had a direct impact on the companies’ profit margins. However, most of the senior managers are recorded as continually tackling supply chain issues based on operational matters rather than strategic. Product and service supplies a re recorded as having increased operational costs experienced across board. Pressure exerted on the company products justifies their demand from consumers. This represents some level of wake-up call for the entire business based on increased costs incurred at the backbone of the business. Integration of all elements within supply chain is identified as most critical for the purposes of enabling sustainability as well as organic growth for the entire business. References Beamish, P Lupton, N. (2009). Managing joint ventures. Academy of Management, 5 (1): 75-94. Beerkens, E. (2006). Globalisation: Definitions and Perspectives. Web. Doole, I., Lowe, R. (2008). International Marketing Strategy – Analysis, Development and Implementation. Web. Hopwood, B., Mellor, M., O’Brien, G. (2005).Sustainable Development: Mapping Different Approaches.Sustainable Development, (13): 38-52. Larson, P. D. Lusch, R. F. (1992). Functional integration in marketing channels: A Determinant of product quality and total cost, Journal of MarketingChannels, 2(1)1-28. Levitt, T. (1983). The globalization of markets. Harvard Business Review, (6): 92-102 Lovins, A., Lovins, H., Hawken, P. (1999).A road-map for Natural Capitalism. Harvard Business Review, 77(3): 145-158. Magretta, J. (2002). Why business models matter. Harvard Business Review, 22 (80):86-92. Rosenbloom B., (2007). Multi-Channel Strategy in Business-to-Business Markets: Prospects and Problems. Industrial Marketing Management, (1), 4-9. Rosenbloom B. Larsen T., (2008) .Wholesalers as global marketers. Journal of Marketing Channels,15(1), 235-252. Sharma, S. Vredenbrug, H. (1998). Proactive corporate environmental strategy and The development of competitively valuable organizational capabilities. Strategic management journal, (19): 729-753. This essay on Understanding Globalization was written and submitted by user Jimena Stephenson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Rubberized Asphalt essays
Rubberized Asphalt essays In this report, I will be talking about rubberized asphalt. I will talk about how this product first came about, and how it is made. Also I will talk about what the advantages of using this are and other information about it. In the world, there are many roads leading in every direction. Over time people began to develop ways so that it would be easier to travel. Starting from dirt roads, and using the river system and railroad, we have come a long way. Cars were not even thought of as a major way of transportation until today. With the growth of car companies there would be many tires that would come and go. Roads would be created spanning the length of the country. This would eventually lead to many tires being used and dumped into the junkyards and landfills, as well as roads crumbling over time to the great forces or nature with few people wondering how they could make a better road that could last longer then before. After a great span of time someone finally found ou t how to put it all together. They found out how to put use of the old tires in the junkyard along with a way to stop the roads from being weak and allowing them to have a greater life span with less cracks. This first came from asphalt, which is a mixture of aggregate, sand, bitumen, and other various additives. Rubberized asphalt is one of the many different types of asphalt, which also includes, hot-mix, cold-mix, and glasphalt. There were many tests done in the 1920s to try to create the product of rubber asphalt, but many of the attempts failed. Rubberized asphalt was first developed in the mid 1960s by the Materials Engineer for the City of Phoenix, Charles McDonald, mixed an amount of crumb rubber from old tires with asphalt cement. It is a blend of asphalt cement, old claimed tire rubber, certain amount of additives in which the rubber component is at least 15% by weight of the total blend and has reacted sufficiently to cau...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Prepositional Object Pronouns in Spanish
Prepositional Object Pronouns in Spanish As in English, prepositions in Spanish need an object to be complete (for example, a sentence such as I am going to or Voy a doesnt make much sense). That object can be a noun or a pronoun (or sometimes a verb functioning as a noun). Most of the pronouns used with prepositions in Spanish are the same as the subject pronouns, but they are different in the first- and second-person singular. Otherwise their use is fairly straightforward, as indicated in the following list: mà - me Es un regalo para mà . It is a gift for me.Salieron sin mà . They left without me. ti - you (singular familiar) Hablan de ti. They are talking about you.No valà a nada mi vida antes de ti. My life before you was worthless. usted - you (singular formal) Las flores son para usted. The flowers are for you.Ella no tolera fumar alrededor de usted. She doesnt put up with smoking around you. à ©l, ella - him, her Corrieron hacia à ©l. They ran toward him.Fue escrito por ella. It was written by her. nosotros, nosotras - us Vienen tras nosotros. They are coming after us.Andan al lado de nosotros. They are walking beside us. vosotros, vosotras - you (plural familiar) No estoy contra vosotros. I am not against you.Salgo sin vosotros. I am leaving without you. ellos, ellas - them El coche no es para ellos. The car isnt for them.Salgo con ellas. I am leaving with them. There are two main exceptions to the above usages: Conmigo and contigo: When used with con (usually translated as with) the forms conmigo and contigo are used instead of con mà and con ti, respectively. Voy contigo. Im going with you. ¿Vas conmigo? Are you going with me? Use of yo and tà º with certain prepositions: The following six prepositions are used with the subject pronouns yo and tà º instead of mà and ti, respectively: entre (usually translated as among or between), excepto (except), incluso (including or even), menos (except), salvo (except) and segà ºn (according to). Also, hasta is used with the subject pronouns when it is used with roughly the same meaning as incluso. Es la diferencia entre tà º y yo. Its the difference between you and me.Muchas personas incluso/hasta yo creen en las hadas. Many people including me believe in fairies, or many people, even I, believe in fairies.Todos excepto/menos/salvo tà º creen en las hadas. Everybody except you believes in fairies.Es la verdad segà ºn yo. Its the truth according to me.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Perceived managerial discretion and market competition Research Paper
Perceived managerial discretion and market competition (Principal-agent problem) - Research Paper Example According to the agency theory, the principal-agent problem arises from conditions of incomplete or asymmetric information when one party tries to motivate another party to act on its behalf. These conditions can be observed in any employer/employee relationship. This is because the employer, the shareholders, wants the employees, the managers, to invest in those projects which offer higher returns. However the projects which offer higher returns also have higher uncertainty. Therefore the managers may not want to take the risk. As a result there is a conflict of interest which affects organizational objectives. This is the principal-agent problem which is addressed in the agency theory. In order to maximize organizational performance, the owners of the organization have to introduce incentives which will motivate the managers/employees to act in the best interests of the shareholders. Therefore the motivations of the principal and its agent are aligned strategically. In the current business environment, change is the only constant. Therefore the organizational structure has to be flexible so that the organization can remain competitive in spite of the changes that are taking place in the external environment. A flexible organizational structure enables the principal and the agent to mobilize resources fast so that fast responses to market changes become possible. However if there is a conflict of interest between the two parties, then this objective cannot be attainable. The presence of the principal-agent problem also means that the shareholders are unable to monitor the decision-making process so that the managers are tempted to apply organizational resources to personal gains. This is a limiting factor for organizational performance. Therefore it is critical to address the principal-agent problem. Particularly in the present day business environment which is characterized by high competition, application of the agency theory becomes one of th e key success factors. By incorporating the agency theory, organizational stakeholders create an internal structure which is strategically aligned. Given the fast pace of change in the external environment, both the shareholders and the officers would want to create a sustainable competitive advantage. In order to meet this objective, the management of the company has to optimize the decision making process so that it addresses the interests of both parties. According to Michael Porter’s framework for strategy formulation, an organization can implement three strategies to build a competitive position: focus, differentiation and cost minimization (Hill & Jones, 2007, p. 18). However the effectiveness of strategy implementation is limited by the principal-agent problem. This underscores understanding of the agency theory. By applying the agency theory, the management can align the interests of both parties to synergistic effects. As a result, the organization can
Monday, February 3, 2020
Covenants Land law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Covenants Land law - Essay Example The main concern in this case is whether or not Sarah is able to enforce the covenant to Oliver who will only own the land for a particular period which is 50 years. The answer is definitely no. Sarah does not have any legal ground to enforce the covenant to Oliver since the covenant between Leonard and Mary did not apply to Oliver2. However, Sarah has all the legal grounds to enforce some penalty to Mary for the bridge of covenant. The reason is that Mary had not sold off the land to Oliver. Therefore, the covenant is still biding, what she did was to lease the land to Oliver, but not sell it to him. What this means is that the covenant is still binding and Mary has to take the responsibility to ensure that the restrictive covenant signed between her and Leonard is upheld. Therefore, the piece of advice to Sarah is to get hold of Mary and charge her with the responsibility3. However, this should be noted that it is the covenantee who enforces the covenant to the covenanter. This will be in exception incase the deed was designed to provide that the covenanter is not in any way liable incase there is a breach in the covenant after he/she has sold the land. However, this is not applicable in this case because Mary had not sold the land In the second case regarding Ned, the covenant they agreed on was one that denied him the right to use the plot for commercial use. However, when Ned sold the plot to Phillip he went ahead to use it for commercial use where he offered yoga and log cabin services. This is a little complex since Ned sold the land to Philip. It can even be more complex incase Ned cannot be easily traced4. Sarah may not be able to enforce the covenant on Philip since there was no any transaction between them. However, if Sarah can be able to reach Ned then she can be able to compel her to make the same agreement with Ned. In fact, it may be difficult for Sarah to
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Connections In Physical Structure Information Technology Essay
The Connections In Physical Structure Information Technology Essay Two or more computers connected together and they able to share the data and other resources, then we can say that the computers in the network. Networks are two types Wireless Network. Wired Network. Wireless Network: wireless communication is one the fastest-growing technology. Connection using some telecommunication network whose inter connections between nodes is implemented without the use of physical cable. Radio waves are used to transmit the data between computes. Wired connection: wired connection means connection through a physical cable (back bone). There are two types of connections in physical structure. Point to point Multipoint. Point to point: The point to point provides a dedicated connection between two devices .the entire capacity of the link is reserved for transmission the data between those two devices only. Multipoint: a multipoint connection is one in Network Topologies: The term topology refers to the way in which a network is laid out. Two are more computers connected through a cable to a link; two are more links from topology. Topology of a network is representation of the connection of all links and nodes together. There are basically 4 types of topologies are possible Bus Topology: In bus topology using a single cable to connect all devices. One long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices in a network. Devices are connected to the bus cable by drop lines and taps. A drop line is a connection running between the systems/nodes and main cable. A tap is a connector that either splices into main cable or punctures the sheathing of a cable to create a contact with the metallic core. As a signal travel along the cable, some of its energy is transformed in to heat. Therefore, it become weaker as it travels tap to tap. Because of that we have a limited number of taps. And have to maintain proper distance between those taps. The advantage of bus topology includes ease of installation. The cable which is used as a backbone is laid along the most sufficient path, and then connected to the nodes by drop lines of various lengths. Because of that, a bus uses the less hardware compared to other topologies like ring star mesh. The main advantage of this network is redundancy will be eliminated. The disadvantage of this network is it will be helpful if we have a limited number of devices. If more than few dozen computers will be added to the cable, performance will become low. If cable fails, the entire network becomes unusable. Ring Topology: In a ring network, every system will connect exactly with the two neighbors for communication purpose. All messages travel through a ring in the same direction (clock wise or anticlockwise). If any cable or device breaks the loop and can take down the entire network. A ring is relatively easy to install. To add or delete a device we require only two connections. Generally in the ring network, information will go every time repeatedly. If one device does not working properly it gives an alarm. The alarm alerts the network operator to problem and where it happen Anyhow, unidirectional traffic can be a disadvantage. In a simple ring network a brake in the ring will disable the entire network. This problem will be achieved by switch cable of closing off the break. Star Topology: in a star topology each device will connect to a central hub. The devices are not directly connected with each other. The hub acts like a central server, if one device wants to send the data to another, its sends the data to the hub which then relay the information to another connected device Each device needs only one link and one I/O port to connect it to any number of hubs. Thatà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s why it is very is to install and reconfigure. Less cable is needed to configure the star topology .and additions moves and deletions are very easy. Between the hub and device. If Tree Topology: tree network topology is a central node is connected to one or more other nodes that are one level lower in the hierarchy. It is combination of the bus and the Star Topologies. The tree like structure will allows you to have many servers on the network and you can branch out the network in many ways. Levant systems in their own network and yet connect to the big network in some way. Mesh Topology: In mesh topology every device has a direct link to all devices in the network. If a device wants some data information will pass between those only directly, the main advantage of this topology is redundancy will be redjuced . Calcutation of how many nodes will connected to a mesh topology: In mesh each node must connected with another nodes (ie node 1 will connect to the n-1 nodes). We need n(n-1) physical links.however, If each physical link allows communication in both dirrections (duplex mode). We can devide the number of links by 2. In other words we can say that in a mesh topology , we need n(n-1)/2 Suppose if we are connecting 15 nodes in a mesh topology, then the number of cables required; N = n (n-1)/2 N = Number of cables = 15 (15 à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 1)/2 n = Node = 15*14/2 = 15*7 = 105 So the total number of cables required for connecting 15 nodes = 105. OSI MODEL: OSI model is established in 1947, (Open System Interconnection Reference Model) That covers all the aspect of network communications is the open system interconnection model. It was first introduced in 1970à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s. An open system is a set of protocols that allows any two different systems to communicate regardless of their underlying architecture. The purpose of OSI model is to show how a facility communication between the systems without changing their logic of understanding and designing a network architecture that is flexible, and transferable. It is developed as part of open system interconnection. In its most basic form it consists of seven separate but related layers. The OSI model is a layered framework for design of network systems that allows communication between all types of computer systems. It consists of seven layers, each of which defines a part of the process of moving information across the network. http://homepages.ius.edu/RWISMAN/B438/HTML/ch1_8.jpg Physical layer: physical layer coordinates the functions required to carry a bit stream over a physical link. It deals with mechanical and electrical specifications of interface and transmission medium. This layer deals with the physical devices of the media being used to transmit the information. The physical layer notifies the data link layer that a frame has been received and passes it up. The physical layer is responsible for movements of individual bits from one node to next node. DATA LINK LAYER: The data link layer transforms the physical layer, a raw transmission facility to a reliable link. The data link layer deals with providing one or more data link connections between two or more network entities. Data link layer performs the error check discards the frame if an error is detected. The responsibilities of the data link layer are Framing, Error control, Flow control, Access control. NETWORK LAYER: Network layer is responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of a data, possible across multiple networks. The layer provides switching and routing facilities. Creating the logical circuits for transmitting the data from node to node. If two systems are connected to a same link, there is no need of network layer. If two systems are connected to different networks there is often required the network layer to complete the transmission between sources to destination. The other responsibilities of the network layer are logical addressing, routing etc. TRANSPORT LAYER: Transport layer Manages source-to-destination message delivery in network. Provides reliable and sequential packet transfer through error recovery and flow control mechanisms Provides connectionless oriented data (packet) transfer. The main responsibilities of transport layer are service point addressing, segmentation and reassembly, connection control, flow control. SESSION LAYER: In some processes the physical, data link and network layers are not provide sufficient Service. The session layer is network dialog controller. The session layer responsibilities are synchronization and dialog control. PRESENTATION LAYER: The presentation layer deals with the syntax and semantics of the information exchanged between two systems. It masks the differences of data formats between dissimilar systems. The presentation layer is responsible for translation, compression and encryption. Presentation layer will encodes and decodes data; encrypts and decrypts the data; compresses and decompresses data. APPLICATION LAYER: APPLICATION LAYER enables the user, access the network. Interface to user processes for communication and data transfer in network Provides standardized services such as virtual terminal, file and job transfer and operations application layer is responsible for providing service to the user.
Friday, January 17, 2020
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization
Globalization is such a commonly used term in the twentiethcentury. It simply means that the world has become integrated economically, socially, politically and culturally through the advances of technology, transportation and communication. It is undeniable to say that globalization has resulted in both positive and negative effects which must be addressed accordingly. To begin with, globalization has contributed to the worlds economies in many beneficial ways. The advances in science and technology have allowed businesses to easily cross over territorial boundary lines. Consequently, companies tend to become more productive, competitive thereby raising quality of goods, services and the worlds living standard. Secondly, several companies from the more developed countries have already ventured to establish foreign operations or branches to take advantage of the low cost of labor in the poorer countries. This kind of business activity will provide more influx of cash or investment funds into the less developed countries. However, one cannot deny the negative effects which havederived from globalization. One crucial social aspect is the risk and danger of epidemic diseases which can easily be spread as the mode transportation is easier and faster in todays advance society. This is evidenced in the recent birds flu disease which has infected most Asian countries over a short time frame. As large corporations invest or take over many off shore businesses, a modern form of colonization will also evolve which may pose certain power pressure on the local governments of the less developed countries. Unemployment rates in the more developed regions like Europe may also escalate as corporations choose to outsource cheaper work force from Asian countries. In conclusion. I like to reiterate that globalization is inevitable and we must urge individuals, companies and governments to use a more balanced approach by taking appropriate steps to deal with matters relating to the financial or economical gains verses the social, political or ecological concerns of the world.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Theory Of The Philosophy - 1354 Words
Kantian is regarded as one of the perfect theories ever as far as an issue of morality is concerned. The theory is based on the concept of what is morally permissible by many. This means that the theory defines whether an action is morally right or wrong by evaluating how it is permissible by many in the society. Kant, a German philosopher argued that what is accepted in the society is what makes people’s lives good and that is what is moral. The theory states that even the simple things should not be ignored as far as they are accepted by universal law which is the majority people. The theory gives people the sole right to determine whether something is morally right or wrong. In the book, clones are mere ends because they were brought to†¦show more content†¦This shows that the society in the book viewed the act of cloning as an immoral act and thus according to Kantian theory, the act of cloning was morally wrong. Generally, cloning according to this theory is mora lly wrong because the majority in the society rejects the acts (Johnson 112). A right-based on moral theory, this is a theory that deals with rights of person when determining what is moral. Rights of person are usually the ones that determine the good life of a person and thus they are more related to molarity. The theory explains that very categories of individuals have their rights which they enjoy and they are not supposed to be compromised where these rights are based on what makes the lives of these people good. The theory further states that anything that compromises these rights is said to be immoral (Mackie 34). This theory can be applied directly to the book. To start with, clones as described earlier in the paper are humans. If they are humans, they have all the rights of human beings. For example, they have the right to make their own decisions, they have the right to live and they also have the right to have children. However, clones in the book have been denied or the above rights because Kathy and her partners cannot reproduce and they die before their age, they give out their organs against their will and they do what the school says, but not what they want. This shows that school has compromised their rights. In this case, the
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Short Story - 794 Words
Billy Weaver was walking down the street after getting off the train when something in a window front caught his eye. If was as if he was a rat that smelled cheese and trying to sniff it out. The sign read, â€Å"Breakfest n’ Bed†It felt as if he’d been staring at the sign for hours. He walked up to the door and knocked on the door. Not after two seconds of knocking on the door it opened. There stood a woman, old, small, and looked like a normal grandmother. â€Å"Hello there,†the women said, â€Å" Please come in.†Billy was still stunned at how fast the door opened, but followed the women inside. â€Å"Please hang up your jacket and hat please.†Billy noticed that his jacket was the only one up on the coat hanger. He didn’t mind much of it and continued†¦show more content†¦Everyone needs to sign the guest book because it’s against the law if you don’t, and we don’t want the law involved, do we? â€Å"No ma’am.†The landlady nodded her head and left. Billy examined his room and then left to go sign in the book. As he was walking down the stairs, he passed a door that was cracked open just enough a small dog could fit in. Billy couldn’t resist and took a peek in. Billy saw a young man lying in his bed, but jumped back when he saw the man’s eyes staring at him as if he’s seen a ghost. Billy started walking down the stairs, but had the feeling of running. Once Billy got down the stairs he wandered around until he stumbled upon the guest book. Billy signed his name but saw two very familiar names above his. One was Gregory Temple, and the other was Christopher Mulholland. Billy could have sworn that he’d seen those names before, but couldn’t remember. â€Å"Please sit with me,†the landlady told Billy. Billy sat down next to the landlady wary of of his surroundings. â€Å"Would you like some tea?†â€Å"Umm†¦ no thank you, i’m quite alright,†Billy responded. â€Å"Did you sign the guest book, dear?†â€Å"Yes, yes I did ma’am,†â€Å"You seem worried, why do you seem worried,†the landlady inquired â€Å"Just a bit homesick that’s all. Well it’s getting quiet late I must be off to bed,†â€Å"Okay, dear,†the landlady said with a grin. Billy headed upstairs to his room, but found the door, he peaked in earlier calling his name.Show MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Characteristics †¢Short - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a single impression or effect.  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing personal experiences and prior knowledge to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words  | 5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words  | 8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A short story like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.†In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words  | 3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words  | 5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? In the short stories â€Å"Miss Brill†and â€Å"Frau Brechenmacher attends a wedding†written by Katherine Mansfield, the themes which are relevant to real life in Miss Brill are isolation and appearance versus reality. Likewise Frau Brechenmacher suffers through isolation throughout the story and also male dominance is one of the major themes that are highlighted in the story. These themes areRead MoreShort Story and People1473 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Title: Story Of An Hour Author: Kate Chopin I. On The Elements / Literary Concepts The short story Story Of An Hour is all about the series of emotions that the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard showed to the readers. With the kind of plot of this short story, it actually refers to the moments that Mrs. Mallard knew that all this time, her husband was alive. For the symbol, I like the title of this short story because it actually symbolizes the time where Mrs. Mallard died with joy. And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words  | 6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreRacism in the Short Stor ies1837 Words  | 7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words  | 7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol†by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl†by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intruding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narr ator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. InRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 Words  | 6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,†the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events
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