Friday, March 20, 2020

Rubberized Asphalt essays

Rubberized Asphalt essays In this report, I will be talking about rubberized asphalt. I will talk about how this product first came about, and how it is made. Also I will talk about what the advantages of using this are and other information about it. In the world, there are many roads leading in every direction. Over time people began to develop ways so that it would be easier to travel. Starting from dirt roads, and using the river system and railroad, we have come a long way. Cars were not even thought of as a major way of transportation until today. With the growth of car companies there would be many tires that would come and go. Roads would be created spanning the length of the country. This would eventually lead to many tires being used and dumped into the junkyards and landfills, as well as roads crumbling over time to the great forces or nature with few people wondering how they could make a better road that could last longer then before. After a great span of time someone finally found ou t how to put it all together. They found out how to put use of the old tires in the junkyard along with a way to stop the roads from being weak and allowing them to have a greater life span with less cracks. This first came from asphalt, which is a mixture of aggregate, sand, bitumen, and other various additives. Rubberized asphalt is one of the many different types of asphalt, which also includes, hot-mix, cold-mix, and glasphalt. There were many tests done in the 1920s to try to create the product of rubber asphalt, but many of the attempts failed. Rubberized asphalt was first developed in the mid 1960s by the Materials Engineer for the City of Phoenix, Charles McDonald, mixed an amount of crumb rubber from old tires with asphalt cement. It is a blend of asphalt cement, old claimed tire rubber, certain amount of additives in which the rubber component is at least 15% by weight of the total blend and has reacted sufficiently to cau...

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