Friday, March 20, 2020
Rubberized Asphalt essays
Rubberized Asphalt essays In this report, I will be talking about rubberized asphalt. I will talk about how this product first came about, and how it is made. Also I will talk about what the advantages of using this are and other information about it. In the world, there are many roads leading in every direction. Over time people began to develop ways so that it would be easier to travel. Starting from dirt roads, and using the river system and railroad, we have come a long way. Cars were not even thought of as a major way of transportation until today. With the growth of car companies there would be many tires that would come and go. Roads would be created spanning the length of the country. This would eventually lead to many tires being used and dumped into the junkyards and landfills, as well as roads crumbling over time to the great forces or nature with few people wondering how they could make a better road that could last longer then before. After a great span of time someone finally found ou t how to put it all together. They found out how to put use of the old tires in the junkyard along with a way to stop the roads from being weak and allowing them to have a greater life span with less cracks. This first came from asphalt, which is a mixture of aggregate, sand, bitumen, and other various additives. Rubberized asphalt is one of the many different types of asphalt, which also includes, hot-mix, cold-mix, and glasphalt. There were many tests done in the 1920s to try to create the product of rubber asphalt, but many of the attempts failed. Rubberized asphalt was first developed in the mid 1960s by the Materials Engineer for the City of Phoenix, Charles McDonald, mixed an amount of crumb rubber from old tires with asphalt cement. It is a blend of asphalt cement, old claimed tire rubber, certain amount of additives in which the rubber component is at least 15% by weight of the total blend and has reacted sufficiently to cau...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Prepositional Object Pronouns in Spanish
Prepositional Object Pronouns in Spanish As in English, prepositions in Spanish need an object to be complete (for example, a sentence such as I am going to or Voy a doesnt make much sense). That object can be a noun or a pronoun (or sometimes a verb functioning as a noun). Most of the pronouns used with prepositions in Spanish are the same as the subject pronouns, but they are different in the first- and second-person singular. Otherwise their use is fairly straightforward, as indicated in the following list: mà - me Es un regalo para mà . It is a gift for me.Salieron sin mà . They left without me. ti - you (singular familiar) Hablan de ti. They are talking about you.No valà a nada mi vida antes de ti. My life before you was worthless. usted - you (singular formal) Las flores son para usted. The flowers are for you.Ella no tolera fumar alrededor de usted. She doesnt put up with smoking around you. à ©l, ella - him, her Corrieron hacia à ©l. They ran toward him.Fue escrito por ella. It was written by her. nosotros, nosotras - us Vienen tras nosotros. They are coming after us.Andan al lado de nosotros. They are walking beside us. vosotros, vosotras - you (plural familiar) No estoy contra vosotros. I am not against you.Salgo sin vosotros. I am leaving without you. ellos, ellas - them El coche no es para ellos. The car isnt for them.Salgo con ellas. I am leaving with them. There are two main exceptions to the above usages: Conmigo and contigo: When used with con (usually translated as with) the forms conmigo and contigo are used instead of con mà and con ti, respectively. Voy contigo. Im going with you. ¿Vas conmigo? Are you going with me? Use of yo and tà º with certain prepositions: The following six prepositions are used with the subject pronouns yo and tà º instead of mà and ti, respectively: entre (usually translated as among or between), excepto (except), incluso (including or even), menos (except), salvo (except) and segà ºn (according to). Also, hasta is used with the subject pronouns when it is used with roughly the same meaning as incluso. Es la diferencia entre tà º y yo. Its the difference between you and me.Muchas personas incluso/hasta yo creen en las hadas. Many people including me believe in fairies, or many people, even I, believe in fairies.Todos excepto/menos/salvo tà º creen en las hadas. Everybody except you believes in fairies.Es la verdad segà ºn yo. Its the truth according to me.
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